Starbucks incident

The caramel hot chocolate was still very hot that talking should be much easier than sipping the drink but it wasn't but it happened anyway. She sipped a little and put the cup down. Then she sipped again. The caramel hot chocolate cooled down with time. Being exposed to the cold night air, it didn't take long. She got to sip more and more without burning her tongue. Half went down to her intestine leaving another half. The drink was too sweet for her that she wished she brought a bottle of plain water like she always do wherever she go. Somehow that night she didn't, just like how she left a part of her stance behind to be there. The drink wasn't cheap and leaving it unfinished would be a waste despite someone else was paying for it. She don't get caramel hot chocolate regularly anyway so why forsake. Sips after sips and half of the another half went down her throat. She forgot how she can't handle too much caffeine. Dizziness crept all over her head. Stomach felt so empty. Heartbeat was faster. And then there was the slight nauseous feeling. Composure retained. She didn't sip anymore. It was then just the alternation between speech and pause. Approximately 3 hours passed since the moment the bottom of the cup of the hot chocolate first settled down on the metal table under the canopy outside the coffee shop.

"I'm sorry but we're closing in 30 minutes"

Half an hour passed.

"Im sorry but we are now closed"

Walked to car.
Conversation resumed.
A little less than half an hour passed.
Then she drove back to where she should.

Things weren't the same anymore after that night.
 The untold made all the difference.

Life lessons...
...they come in various ways.

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